The good the bad and the ugly for those of you currently running version 2.xx of AutoTask 2000. Because of the nature of the technology used in AutoTask it is not possible to run both this version and a previous version on the same machine. Consequently if you are testing this version you will have to make a decision as to how you want to proceed. There are a couple of options here. 1. Install this version over your existing version. The installation is setup to allow you to return to your previous version if you answer yes to the backup questions. If you answer “YES” to the backup questions your tasks files as they exist at the time you run this installation will be stored in the directory chosen. It will then allow the uninstall program put them back in place if you choose to uninstall this version. 2. Alternatively you can install the program to a different directory and use the batch files included in the download zip file to turn off your current version. Simply choose the appropriate reg file for your operating system . If you are running on NT/2000/XP use the “Regnt.bat”, otherwise use the “Reg95.bat” file. In either case you would use the “Unreg.bat” file to disable your current version. What you have to do is copy the two batch files to the directory where your current version is installed. Then make sure the Admin and Monitor programs are shutdown. Next open a DOS box and changed directories so that you are in the AutoTask directory. Run the Unreg.bat file. Now install the new version to a different directory. Once the install is done you can copy your current tasks files to the new tasks directory. If you decide to uninstall the new version you simply need to go back and run the Reg batch file from your previous version directory.